Hesby Involved Parents (HIP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that works to financially assist, support and empower Hesby Oaks Leadership Charter in providing superior educational opportunities for all of its children through fundraising activities, events, and local business partnerships that foster educational excellence, parental involvement and community pride.
TAX ID 06-1795102
Welcome to Hesby Oaks Leadership Charter!
H.I.P. stands for Hesby Involved Parents - we are a parent volunteer, non-profit organization that connects the students, families, teachers, and administration of the school together. All parents/guardians of Hesby Oaks students are automatically members of H.I.P! We raise necessary funds to cover educational opportunities LAUSD does not provide.
The HIP goal is to help create the best environment and experience for our Hesby students, teachers, staff and families.
How do we do that? For each year, we raise over $250,000 to provide amazing enrichment staff, technology, community events, and programs that all Hesby students and families can enjoy.
Please see our school calendar to see the wonderful events you and your family can participate in during the 2024-2025 school year - Monster Mash Carnival, Movie Nights, Fun Run and our annual Gala are just a few.
We welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!!
2024-2025 HIP Board of Directors
Candace Larkin
Vice Presidents
Nicki Fisher and Liza Ruszecki
Natalie Astrahan
Kimberly Esterkin
Middle School Vice President
Staci Schechtman
Director of Communications
Rachel Haft
Directors of Community Partners
Jodi Klaver
Hillary Croll
Director of HOPE Fund
Jordan Polisky
Director of Hospitality
Colby Diamant
Director of Gala
Danae Tucker
Director of Enrichment & After School Activities
Michele Shapiro
Director of Monster Mash
Bianca Botzer
Teacher Liaison (Elementary)
Jen Preuss
Director of Finance
Sherry Yedidson
Teacher Liaison (Middle)
Curtis Wynkoop
Room Parent Coordinators
Melanie Jones
Rachel Haft
Immediate Past President
Tracy Cook